Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's Official

Since I had cleverly hidden Dave's Christmas present in plain sight I decided I had better not push my luck and go ahead and wrap it.  Actually he's kicked it a few times.  But I now declare the Christmas Season officially STARTED.  In other news, #8 has arrived: 

As you can see, he is adorable.


  1. You're very mysterious. I want more pictures of the baby!

  2. "In other news, #8 has arrived"

    You're not mysterious -- this is dereliction of grandmother duty, pure and simple. Karsten walked up behind me, took a look at your post and asked, "Where's the pictures of Lane?"

    Get some pictures up!!!

    Oh, and what did you get Dad for Christmas? I planned on getting him some used tube socks, but I'll find something else if that's what's in the pretty box.

  3. Congratulations! I'm assuming this is Bre's baby?! How fun! I'm with everyone else, I need a pic or two.
    You need a storage unit for presents. I had my kids' Christmas presents in a box in one of my mom's rooms and they kept fining it, so I moved it to the storage unit. As sad as it is that we can't have all of our junk with us, hey, at least we can hide stuff. For my kids, wrapping the presents is an ivitation to open it immediately...hopefully Dave has more willpower.

  4. invitation, is spelled like that and not like how I spelled it in my last comment...yikes...

  5. I figured Bre would post the first pictures, isn't that the correct blogging etiquette? And does anyone else notice that there are still birds flying south at the top of my blog? They're the slow ones, literally freezing their tails off. And Kadi, creative spelling is allowed.

  6. Since Tony and Bre posted a grand total of TWO pictures, I say forget etiquette and get us some more pictures. Don't you have a camera?
